Hemp isn’t just what you think. Known healing properties of hemp oil, whose applications are diverse. In what diseases it helps everyone to know. Hemp belongs to the oilseed species of plants. Its seeds contain up to 35% oil. In the past, it was often eaten for food. After the signing of the international convention against drugs, cultivation of the plant became more difficult. Special permits are required for the care of the crops. The unique composition of the oil fraction stimulates farmers to overcome obstacles. Hemp oil is contained in it:

  • up to 50 % linoleic
  • up to 28% linolenic acid

Given that in the body from the latter can be synthesized arachidonic acid, we can draw a conclusion about the usefulness of the product. In addition, the seeds contain proteins, phytin and choline (vitamin B4).

Why CBD is so useful

  • Unsaturated high-molecular acids stimulate metabolism, strengthen cell membranes, prevent sclerotic changes in blood vessels, increase circulation.
  • Holin improves the transmission of nerve impulses, promotes effective brain function, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, protects the liver from toxins.
  • Proteins contained in hemp seeds have a balanced composition of replaceable and essential amino acids.
  • Phytin, whose mass fraction in the seeds reaches 5%, is used as a drug to stimulate the hematopoiesis system, strengthen bone tissues, as well as in lowering the pressure in the blood vessels, nervous system depletion, impotence.

Despite the legal difficulties in obtaining permits for growing hemp, farmers have successfully supplied the market with oil from plant seeds. They do it by cold spinning. The technology does not damage the content of valuable components. On the website of the company Green Papas you can buy quality products with CBD content.

Use of hemp oil for cosmetic purposes

Hemp oil is an ancient product. Girls have long used it as a cosmetic product. Modern women have also become convinced of the beneficial properties of hemp oil. It should be remembered that it refers to drying, when in contact with the air can easily form dense films, especially during prolonged storage. Densely closed dark bottles of hemp oil should therefore be kept in a closed closet without light.

For the face

The oil composition improves the protective cover of the skin, increases its elasticity, reduces irritation. It is necessary to apply a mask of room temperature oil, hold it for 20 minutes and then gently remove the unabsorbed layer with a paper tissue. You can add a small amount of sugar or soda, apply the mixture as a scrub. To clean the skin, the liquid mass should be gently rubbed over the entire surface until the face is lightly pink. After that the mask should be washed off with thermal water.

For hair

The root part of the hair needs to be nourished. The composition of the oil push-up stimulates blood circulation to the roots of the hair. A small portion of oil should be rubbed into the skin. Cover your head with a plastic headscarf or put on a shower cap. After half an hour, wash your head with normal mild products.

For body skin

Hemp oil has antimicrobial action, quickly relieves inflammation in the open areas of the body. By adding crushed elderberry leaves to it, the thorn can be made into mushrooms for the treatment of masculine skin lesions. With mild manifestations of the disease can be fully cured by the herbal mixture; in complex cases, it is necessary to combine folk remedy with medication. To improve the overall tone, it is useful to periodically do general body rubs. After the procedure, the oil residue should be removed with a natural cotton cloth or paper towel.

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