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R & Paper Co.Ltd was founded in 1994 by Papilio registered trademark. Sales and market development in 1997 was after. Developing the management and employees of the paper industry since 1987, and sales and marketing experience in the paper production has shown a rising each year. Paper towels, paper napkins, toilet paper, wet wipes, wet towels in the production of branding and extensive sales network and gained a place in the industry.

Continuity in the market, to meet customer requirements and expectations through compliance and elfin Papilio brand of paper towels, paper napkins, toilet paper products, customer satisfaction is provided. Adapt to the changing conditions of the world in time: the need to fulfill legal regulations continuous improvement of the system to go to better compete in the national and international market for its existence, constantly renewed and developed ground.


Company Profile:
R & Paper Co.Ltd was founded in 1994 by Papilio registered trademark. Sales and market development in 1997 was after. Developing the management and employees of the paper industry since 1987, and sales and marketing experience in the paper production has shown a rising each year. Paper towels, paper napkins, toilet paper, wet wipes, wet towels in the production of branding and extensive sales network and gained a place in the industry.

Continuity in the market, to meet customer requirements and expectations through compliance and elfin Papilio brand of paper towels, paper napkins, toilet paper products, customer satisfaction is provided.

Adapt to the changing conditions of the world in time: the need to fulfill legal regulations continuous improvement of the system to go to better compete in the national and international market for its existence, constantly renewed and developed ground.
